How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others?

Info Self Development
6 min readSep 15, 2014
Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows, and Results Show.
Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows, and Results Show.

How to stop comparing yourself to others?

First let’s think, who are others? Are they mad or conscious? Do they wear agonizing grimaces, those negative words sound like beastly screams to your ears? Are you irrationally reacting or logically responding? Are they really doing better than you? Whether it is or it isn’t the case, that’s fine, simply use them as feedback to improve your blind spots, or learn from theirs. When others trigger us, it’s often an opportunity for fine-tuning our growth in places that we’ve left dormant — for far too long.

Do you think they genuinely are what they appear to be, are they who they said they are? Did they actually ever did what your mind chatter told you about them? Now, is your mind chatter, is your subconscious mind your friend or foe? Isn’t that the real question that answers your problem?

When following your inner compass on the way to your specific fate, do you take ephemeral signs for guidance? Did you trust your gut before jumping to a conclusion?
Doubt makes you truly human, after all, isn’t questioning if others’ truths are better than yours a sign of sanity of mind that distinguishes you from the preaching maniacs who claim to never doubt what they must absolutely dictate?



Info Self Development

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