Clarity: 4 Simple Rules for Mind Sharpness

Info Self Development
2 min readNov 10, 2019
Clarity: 4 Simple Rules for Mind Sharpness
Photo: Fierce By Giulio Pedrazzoli

Clarity: 4 Simple Rules for Mind Sharpness

1 — Time is Cash; treat your time as a valuable resource. It’s right to be stingy with your time. Too often, failing to see time as a precious and non-renewable commodity, we insanely waste it. And even if how much time we have until our last breath is uncertain, it surely is limited. Will you get a life extension before your time runs out? Will we be able to buy more time when it’s too late? And why would you want to… Stay longer? Employ time correctly to amplify it and perhaps even try electromagnetic coils for your health, do whatever it takes, what matters is not to let time evaporate into a tenacious source of regret.

2 — Consider this, creating memories out of life experiences provides longer lasting happiness than merely possessing things; we are the total sum of everyone we’ve met, of everything we’ve done, and the places we’ve seen.

3 — How to Quickly Screen Through Too Many Options? When confused; always choose the simplest explanation over the most complicated one. When in doubt; rely on your gut feeling and the atmospheric climate of immediate experience.

If later evidence comes to verify your choice as wrong, it’s okay to abandon it and move on towards another option. Then — screen, simplify, verify, repeat… In…



Info Self Development

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